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Research Faculty Leave of Absence FAQs

The following is intended as guidance for Northwestern’s Research Faculty Leave Policy. All members of the faculty are encouraged to discuss these and any additional questions with their respective Department Chairs, Deans, sponsoring PIs and/or the Office of the Provost. View the Contact List.

Research Faculty LOA FAQs

Which titles fall into the category of Research Faculty?

Faculty with the following titles are considered Research Faculty: Research Professor, Research Associate Professor, Research Assistant Professor, Senior Research Investigator, Research Scientist-Professor, Research Scientist-Associate Professor, and Research Scientist-Assistant Professor

What benefits are available for medical leave?

Full-time Research Faculty with at least 6 months of service are allowed up to 6 months of paid leave in cases in which a serious personal medical condition, or recovery following the birth of a child (typically up to 6 weeks of leave for recovery after birth, or longer as medically necessary), necessitate their time away from work.

What about parental leave?

4 weeks of paid parental leave are available for Research Faculty who have at least 3 years of continuous service or who are serving in an appointment of 3 years or greater at the time of the leave. For a mother who gives birth, this is in addition to any medical leave taken (see previous question).

How are these leaves different from FMLA?

Any research faculty with at least one year (1,250 hours) of continuous full-time service will remain eligible for up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). It is expected that any leaves taken for FMLA purposes would occur concurrently with those taken for self-medical conditions, including birth, or parental leave – in other words, leaves taken for self-medical conditions, including birth, or parental leave count toward the maximum 12 weeks of available FMLA leave.

Is the cost of these leaves charged to the grant that funds a Research Faculty member鈥檚 salary?

Medical leaves, including those for medical recovery following birth, may be covered by the Central Benefits Pool after the first week. The costs of parental leaves will be charged to the same funding source(s) as the Research Faculty member’s salary, consistent with policy and practices for other University populations.

How do I request a leave of absence if I need one?

Any Research Faculty members who find themselves in need of a leave of absence for medical or maternity/paternity-related reasons should contact MetLife, Northwestern’s leave of absence vendor, at 1-800-396-8876 or online at metlife.com/mybenefits.

Where can I get more detailed information regarding the details of leaves of absence, including qualifications?

Individuals seeking more detailed information regarding these policies should contact their respective Department Chairs, Deans, sponsoring PIs, and/or the Office of the Provost. View the contact list.