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Advisors in the Process

An advisor is not required and in many circumstances, particularly in non-separation level cases, a student can comfortably navigate the process without one. An advisor can help you prepare for your hearing and may sit with you during the hearing. In some cases, you may choose someone because you are looking for an individual who can be an emotional support to you throughout the process.

It is important to remember that our process is student led and educationally based. This means that with the exception of cases falling under the Interim TIX Sexual Harassment Policy, you are responsible for representing yourself in the hearing. Your advisor will not be allowed to speak or write on your behalf or appear in your stead. Remember, you must notify the Office of the Community Standards with your advisor’s name and phone number prior to your hearing. Failure to do so could result in your advisor not be allowed in the proceedings.

To enhance integrity in any of our processes and to ensure fairness for all parties, advisors cannot be witnesses or a party in the matter or a related matter. For more information on the role advisors can play, please reference the policies linked below. 

Who you can choose as an advisor is dependent on the policy that your case falls under: 

Code of Conduct

When policies of concern fall under the Code of Conduct, students should chose an advisor who is a member of the University community (faculty, staff, or student) and familiar with the Code of Conduct and Student Conduct Process. The advisor cannot be a family member of the reporter or respondent, or an attorney.

Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct

When policies of concern fall under the Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct, an advisor is not limited to members of the University community. In matters not involving a complaint of sexual assault, stalking, or dating or domestic violence, advisors cannot be a witness or party in the matter or a related matter, a family member of the Complainant or Respondent, or an attorney.

In any matter involving a complaint of sexual assault, stalking, or dating or domestic violence, the advisor may be any person of the party’s choosing, including an attorney. However, an advisor may not also serve as a witness in the same matter, and the advisor’s participation is limited to a supportive and non-participatory role as described above. 

Interim Policy on TIX Sexual Harassment

When policies of concern fall under the Interim Policy on TIX Sexual Harassment, the advisor plays a more substantial role. From the point a Formal Complaint is made, and until an investigation, adjudication, and appeal are complete, the Complainant and Respondent will have the right to be accompanied by an advisor of their choice to all meetings, interviews, and hearings that are part of the investigation, adjudication, and appeal process.

The advisor may be, but is not required to be, an attorney.  In these cases, the advisor’s role will include conducting cross examination of the parties and any witnesses at the live hearing, in addition to providing support and guidance throughout the process. 

Requesting an Advisor

In cases involving either the Code of Conduct or the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, students can request assistance identifying an advisor familiar with our processes. Please email the community-standards@northwestern.edu to make the request.