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Records Retention

All student disciplinary files (paper and electronic formats) that involve matters resolved by the Division of Student Affairs are kept and maintained by the Office of Community Standards and are considered educational records subject to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and University policy.

Disciplinary matters that result in suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation are kept permanently and will be reported to external third parties (such as graduate schools, employers, or licensing agencies) as required or permitted by law and University policy. Disciplinary matters that do not result in suspension, expulsion, or degree revocation are kept until a student’s graduation plus an additional amount of time as specified by law or University policy (generally seven years) but will not be reported to external third parties unless required by law.

The University may also report disciplinary matters that remain unresolved and pending at the time a student left or withdrew from the University, as required or permitted by law and University policy. Records of pending matters are kept indefinitely; once resolved, they are kept and maintained according to the policies stated above. Any response to a request for student disciplinary records will include a statement explaining the University’s policy regarding retention and reporting of disciplinary records.

The final outcome of student organization/group cases are not protected under FERPA. The Office of Community Standards publishes the final outcomes of student organization cases on the department's website. In circumstances where the resolution of a case is ongoing, information will not be shared publicly by the Office of Community Standards.