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Demographic Definitions

Not all surveys are created equal and therefore each may define demographic parameters differently. We are providing definitions to these demographic parameters for each of the surveys represented in the data dashboards.

Should a demographic parameter result in fewer than 10 respondents, that parameter will be omitted from the dashboard visualization to protect the anonymity of respondents.

NCHA II Demographic Definitions

Sex & Gender: Respondents are reported as male or female only when their responses to these three questions are consistent with one another. If students' gender identity is consistent with their sex at birth AND the student selects "no" for transgender, then respondents are designated as either male or female. If respondents select "yes" for transgender OR their sex at birth is not consistent with their gender identity, then they are designated as non-binary. A respondent that skips any of the three questions is designated as unknown.

Sexual Orientation: Respondents are reported as Heterosexual/Straight or Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay and/or Queer (LGBQ) based on their response to the following question: "Which term best describes your sexual orientation?"  If respondents selected "Straight/Heterosexual" then they were categorized as such.  If respondents selected Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay or Queer, they were categorized as LGBQ.  

Race: Respondents are reported as Asian or Pacific Islander, Biracial or Multiracial, Hispanic or Latino/a, or White or Black based on their response to the following question: "How do you usually describe yourself? (Please select ALL that apply)."  Response options for this question included American Indian or Native Alaskan, Asian or Asian American, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino/a/x, Middle Eastern/North African (MENA) or Arab Origin,  Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Native, White, Biracial or Multiracial, and Another Identity.  Respondents who selected "yes" to one of those response options were categorized as such.  Respondents who selected "yes" to two or more of those response options were categorized as "Biracial or Multiracial."  

International Student:  Respondents are reported as International Students or Domestic Students based on their response to the following question: "Do you have a visa (for example: F-1, J-1, or M-1) to study or work in the United States?"  If respondents select "yes" then they are designated as an "International Student."  If respondents select "no" then they are designated as a "Domestic Student."

Residence:  Respondents are reported as residing in Campus/University Housing, Greek Housing, or Off-campus Housing based on their responses to two questions.  First, respondents are asked "Do you live in a fraternity or sorority residence?"  If respondents answer "yes" they are designated as residing in "Greek Housing."  If students select "no" they are asked "Where do you currently live?"  Respondents who indicate they live in Campus/University Housing are designated as such. Respondents who indicate they reside in Off-campus Housing are designated as such.

Year in School:  Respondents are reported as 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year and 5th year undergraduates based on their response to the following question: "What is your year in school?"  If respondents selected 1st year, they were reported as such.

Greek:  Respondents are reported as Greek Affiliated or Not Affiliated based on their response to the following question: "Are you a member of a social fraternity or sorority?"  If respondents select "yes" they are designated as "Greek Affiliated."  If respondents select "no" then they are designated as "Not Affiliated."

Varsity:  Respondents are reported as Varsity Affiliated or Not Affiliated based on their response to the following question: " Do you participate in organized college athletics at any of the following levels?
Varsity."   Respondents who select "yes" are designated as "Varsity Affiliated."  Respondents who select "no" are designated as "Not Affiliated."


Healthy Minds Survey - Center for Collegiate Mental Health Demographic Definitions

Sex & Gender: Respondents are reported as CIS Male or CIS Female only when their responses to the following questions are consistent with one another: "What was your sex at birth?" and "What is your gender identity?"  If respondents select "yes" for "Trans male/Trans man," "Trans female/Trans woman," "Genderqueer/Gender non-conforming" OR their sex at birth is not consistent with their gender identity, then they are designated as Trans* & Genderqueer.  

Sexual Orientation: Respondents are reported as Heterosexual or LGB based on their response to the following question: "How would you describe your sexual orientation?"  If respondents selected "Heterosexual" then they were categorized as such.  If respondents selected Lesbian, Bisexual, or Gay they were categorized as LGB.  

Race/Ethnicity: Respondents are reported as Asian, Black, Hispanic, International, Multiracial or White based on their response to the following two questions: "What is your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)" and "Are you an international student?"  Respondents who chose "Yes" indicating they were an International student were categorized as International.  Respondents who selected "yes" to one of the race/ethnicity response options were categorized as such.  Respondents who selected "yes" to two or more of those response options were categorized as "Multiracial."  

Housing:  Respondents are reported as On-campus housing, Off-campus housing, or Fraternity or sorority house, based on their responses to the following question: "Where do you currently live?"  Response options for this question included 'On-campus housing," "On-campus housing, apartment," "Fraternity or sorority house," "On- or off-campus co-operative housing," "Off-campus, non-university housing," "With my parents (or relatives),"and "Other (please specify)."

Greek Life: Respondents are reported as In Greek Life or Not in Greek Life based on their responses to the following question: "What activities do you currently participate in at your school? (Select all that apply)" Respondents who selected "Fraternity or sorority" are categorized as "In Greek Life."  Respondents who did not select "Fraternity or sorority" are categorized as "Not in Greek Life."

First Generation College:  Respondents are reported as First Generation or Not First Generation based on their responses to two questions: "What is the highest level of education completed by your parents or stepparents?
Parent 1" and "What is the highest level of education completed by your parents or stepparents? Parent 2."  Respondent who indicated that neither parent completed a bachelors degree or higher are categorized as "First Generation."  Respondents who indicated that either parents completed a bachelors degree or higher are categorized as "Not First Generation."


Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership

Gender:  Respondents are reported as Man, Woman, or Transgender/Genderqueer/Non-Binary based on their response to the following question: "What is your gender?"  Respondents sex was not asked.  Respondents who select "Man" are designated as "Man."  Respondents who select "Woman" are designated as "Woman." Respondents who select either "Genderqueer/Gender Non-Conforming/Non-Binary" or "Transgender" are designated as "Transgender/Genderqueer/Non-Binary."

Sexual Orientation: Respondents are reported as Heterosexual or LGBQPA+ based on their response to the following question: "What is your sexual orientation?"  Respondents who selected "Asexual," "Bisexual," "Gay," "Lesbian," "Pansexual" or "Queer" are designated as "LGBQPA+."  Respondents who selected "Hetereosexual" are designated as "Hetereosexual."

Race/Ethnicity: Respondents are reported as African American/Black, Asian American, Latino/Hispanic, Middle Eastern/Northern African, Multi-Racial or White/Caucasian based on their response to the following question: "Please indicate your broad racial group membership: (Please select all that apply)." Response options for this question included White/Caucasian, Middle Eastern/Northern African, African American/Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, Multiracial, and Race Not Listed.  Respondents who selected "yes" to one of those response options were categorized as such.  Respondents who selected "yes" to two or more of those response options were categorized as "Multiracial."

Residential Status: Respondents are reported as residing in a College/university residence hall, Fraternity or sorority house, Off-campus with parent/guardian or other relative, Off-campus with partner, spouse, and/or children, and Other off-campus home, apartment, or room based on their responses to the following question: "Which of the following best describes where you are currently living while attending college?"  Response options for this question included "Off-campus with partner, spouse, and/or children," "Off-campus with parent/guardian or other relative," "Other off-campus home, apartment, or room," "College/university residence hall," "Other on-campus student housing," "Fraternity or sorority house," and "Other."  

Year in School: Respondents are reported as Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior+ based on their responses to the following question: "What is your current class level?"  Response options for this question included Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior (fourth-year and beyond), Graduate Student and Unclassified.

First Generation College:  Respondents are reported as First Generation or Not First Generation.  This data was gathered from the student information system.  

Citizenship Status:   Respondents are reported as Both of your parents and you were born in the U.S., You were born in the U.S., but at least one of your parents was not, You are a foreign born, naturalized citizen, You are a foreign born, resident alien/permanent resident, You are an International student or Your grandparents, parents, and you were born in the U.S. based on their responses to the following question: "Indicate your citizenship and/or generation status:"  Response options for this question included "Both of your parents and you were born in the U.S.," "You were born in the U.S., but at least one of your parents was not," "You are a foreign born, naturalized citizen," "You are a foreign born, resident alien/permanent resident," "You are an International student" and "Your grandparents, parents, and you were born in the U.S."