All FAQs on this page apply to the New Student Housing Assignment Process for incoming first-year and transfer students who will begin at Northwestern in Fall 2025.What is the housing policy for Fall 2025?
When do the residence halls and residential colleges open for the 2025-2026 academic year?
The dates shared here are tentative and will be confirmed in early 2025
New students can move in by appointment starting at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 9, 2025. Returning students can move in any time starting at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 13, 2025.
When will I be able to sign up for my move-in appointment?
New students will be sent a link in early August (after room assignments are completed) that will allow them to sign up for move-in appointments. If you have trouble with your move-in appointment sign up, please contact housing@northwestern.edu.
New students arriving early are asked to indicate in the sign up system that they do not need an appointment.
Returning students do not need to sign up for move-in appointments.
Where can I find information about Wildcat Welcome?
Can I move in early?
Can I cancel my contract?
If I am permitted to live on campus, do I have to move my items home for Winter Break? Will Winter Break housing be available?
Most undergraduate residence halls and residential colleges will close at 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 13, 2025. Students can leave their belongings in their rooms over the Winter Break period.
Undergraduate students who selected the Continuous Housing option do not need to move out for Winter Break. Students who do not live in one of these buildings but have questions about Winter Break housing should contact housing@northwestern.edu.
When are you mailing out information regarding first-year housing, and the housing contract?
When is the housing contract due?
Are first-year housing assignments made on a 'first come, first served' basis? Do early decision admits get preference in housing assignments?
No, there is no advantage to completing your housing contract on April 1 rather than June 1. All completed housing contracts submitted by June 1 are given equal consideration. You may update your housing contract as needed before 5:00 p.m. on June 1 without affecting your contract submission order. In other words, you will not be penalized for updating or changing any of your preferences. Early Decision and Regular Decision admits have the same deadline, and we do not track these groups when making housing assignments.
You can update your housing or room preferences and/or submit your residential college or special interest housing personal statements via the .
I am an athlete. Do I need to fill out the online housing contract?
How are the answers on my housing contract used to make my housing assignment?
As an admitted first-year student, you are guaranteed a space to live on campus. There are many types of living communities at Northwestern. Your responses to the contract questions will help Residential Services better assign you to a community that offers you a rewarding residential experience.
Residential Services cannot guarantee a specific type of assignment for a roommate, single-occupancy room, or residence hall, even if requested.
How do I apply for a residential college?
The residential college section of the housing contract is clearly marked. Incoming first-year and transfer students may apply for them by listing the residential college or colleges in which they are interested. Those students are prompted to submit a short personal statement as part of their housing contract in a space provided.
If you are admitted to a residential college, you will receive a welcome letter from the Faculty Chair soon after Residential Services sends out specific room assignments in early August.
My friend and I want to be roommates - how can we make this request?
How can I find out which building are air conditioned/carpeted/co-ed/have suite style rooms/have food service in them?
I received my housing assignment in August but want to request a change. What steps should I take?
Information about room changes will be provided when housing assignments are released.
Can first-year students live in a single or triple rooms? What is the likelihood of being able to select a single or a triple room?
How can I find out which building have single, double, or triple rooms?
Please visit our Room Rates page for an at-a-glance view of room types available by building. For an at-a-glance view of room types alongside popular building features, see this table of campus residences organized by residential area. While many buildings may have a mix of singles, doubles and triples, it does not mean that all room types listed for each building will be available in the pool of existing rooms for incoming first-year and transfer students. Most single rooms in these buildings are already assigned to upperclassmen, unless otherwise noted. Room rates will be updated for the 2025-2026 academic year once approved by the Board of Trustees in 2025.